Position Statement

Greetings, my name is Marvin. Welcome to Impermanent Insanity Mobile. For many reasons I am embarking on a “Walk Across America”.

I hope to bring awareness to mental illness, particularly three of which I have – Major Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Depersonalization Disorder, I would like to particularly bring more awareness to Depersonalization Disorder, a rare but devastating mental illness.

I also hope to bring inspiration to those who suffer from any mental illness. To show them that we are not defined by mental illness., that we are people first, and not our diagnosis. And as a whole person, we can do anything we set our minds to.

This walk is also about Full Disclosure. I have a companion website, Impermanent Insanity, in which I discuss very personal and private thoughts and experiences. Absurd things that have happened in my life, that could have been taken directly from a science fiction novel.

Some of you will think I'm either insane or have an overactive imagination, but to the few of you who see the connection, I tell you the truth for what it is worth.

This Walk is also about clearing my mind, losing weight (I am 60-70 lbs overweight), and interacting and experiencing life with others. It's about Honesty. It is also about regaining control of my life.


Marvin Kirkland

Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 6

After we awoke this morning, we drove to the south part of Temecula, and found a street to park the car. Unfortunately the McDonalds near old town Temecula near the street we actually parked at wouldn't let us park there. Rainbow, where my last ending place was was only 7.3 miles away from where we parked my car today. Because of the highway in the city, I concluded that we would not likely get a ride to Rainbow so that we could walk the legitimate 7.3 miles. We walked all the way to Rainbow, and all the way back to my car. So we did double mileage today, with the walk to Rainbow not even counting. But hey, whatta ya gonna do, eh?

Before leaving the from the car we met a man named Steve who inquired about the nature of our walk. We talked for a while, and when we started to leave he said "nice shoes". We had the same pair of hikers on. Is that cool or what?

On the way back to the car (only about 1.5 miles from it) we spoke with a nice lady named Anna Rude. Don't let the name fool you; she was the antithesis of rude. She was very nice to talk with. I gave her one of my home made cards, and she said she would spread the word about our walk. Thanks, Anna! It was a pleasure meeting you!

So, tomorrow the plan is to get through the city of Temecula. We will probably have to walk back to today's ending point and back to the car, here at McDonald's on the north end of town. They graciously are letting us sleep in their lot and letting us leave our car parked there tomorrow.

Why are we taking a whole day to get through one city? For one, getting through all the crosswalks will take more time. Two, we still will not probably get a ride from one side of the city to the other. If I had a bus schedule it might be different.

Justin did well on his first walk today. His feet are really sore, and of course my feet and ankles are very sore.

Overall, even though we only netted 7.3 miles, the day was a good one.

7.3 productive miles + 7.3 backtrack miles = 14.6 total miles today

Happy New Year!

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